paper, cardboard, packaging, paper machines, tissue, printing  rynek


Arctic Paper S.A. Q3 2019: Stable result in a challenging market

During the third quarter of 2019, the Arctic Paper Group reached a turnover of PLN 794.4 million (compared to PLN 816.5 million in Q3 2018) with an EBITDA of PLN 71.5 million (vs PLN 82.0 million). On the consolidated level, the result remains relatively stable: while pulp prices fell during the period, market conditions for paper improved. The combination stabilizes our results as the fluctuations offset each other.

Ahlstrom-Munksjö and Metsä Fibre makes cross-audits in Germany

Ahlstrom-Munksjö and Metsä Fibre continue collaboration in safety. A pilot program started with cross-audits in both companies’ production facilities in Finland in late 2018. After encouraging results the companies decided to expand auditing collaboration outside Finland. In the autumn 2019 Metsä Fibre safety professionals audited Ahlstrom-Munksjö plants in Dettingen and Unterkochen in Germany.

Smurfit Kappa combines expertise with Mitsubishi HiTec Paper to create innovative food packaging

As part of its ongoing Better Planet Packaging initiative, Smurfit Kappa has collaborated with Mitsubishi HiTec Paper, to create a new type of innovative and recyclable food-safe packaging.

A combination of Smurfit Kappa’s expertise in paper-based packaging and Mitsubishi HiTec Paper’s strength in coated papers has led to the first product in the new range being shortlisted as a finalist in the Swiss Packaging Awards.

Planned renewal of Metsä Board’s Husum pulp mill proceeds

Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group, announced on 26 April 2019 that it will launch a pre-engineering for the first phase of the renewal of its Husum pulp mill in Sweden. The first phase of the renewal consists of a new recovery boiler and a new turbine. Pulp production will remain on a level permitted in the current environmental permit. On 27 August 2019, the company announced that the competent authority in Sweden, Länsstyrelsen, had decided that the planned new recovery boiler will require an amendment to the environmental permit.

Zanders: six new apprentices

Zanders has welcomed six new apprentices at the beginning of this training year: two new employees each learn the professions of paper technologist, mechatronics engineer and machine and plant operator at the Gohrsmühle paper mill. Thomas Döring, Head of Human Resources at Zanders: "As in previous years, we were able to successfully fill all offered apprenticeships." This shows that Zanders is still regarded as an attractive employer and that the company continues to invest in his personal future, says Döring.

Successful premiere for Koehler

Labelexpo Europe 2019 in Brussels closed its doors last Friday. For Koehler, this marked the end of four exciting, eventful and above all successful days. "We are very satisfied with the results of the fair," says Willy Früh, Director Division Thermal Paper at Koehler. "At Labelexpo we were able to show our customers the full range of our products. With the completion of paper machine 8, our portfolio will continue to grow".